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Marketing Services for Colleges & Trade Schools

College Marketing Pros is a specialized marketing agency providing premier marketing services for colleges and trade schools. With our specialized expertise in lead generation and comprehensive admissions training program, we are confident in our ability to exponentially increase your school’s student population in record time. Trust us to help you make it big in your market and surpass your competitors. With College Marketing Pros, you can expect nothing less than outstanding results and unparalleled success for your institution.

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seo marketing

Search Engine Optimization

We offer three levels of SEO Services

Out of all the digital marketing services you can employ, implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy is at the core of all your digital marketing efforts. Your website with good SEO is the backbone of any digital marketing campaign.

By focusing on three SEO components, colleges can effectively reach their ideal student audience, increase the number of site visitors, and increase the volume of organic quality leads.

Essential (Technical) SEO, involves optimizing the technical aspects of a college’s website such as improving website speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and organizing content through proper headings and metadata. When a college’s website is technically sound, search engines can easily crawl and index its pages, resulting in higher visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Enhanced (Off-page) SEO is about building the college’s reputation and authority across the internet. This is achieved by acquiring high-quality backlinks from relevant websites, which signal to search engines that the college’s content is valuable and trustworthy.

Local SEO is vital for colleges targeting their local community around their campus. By optimizing online listings, encouraging student reviews, and maintaining consistent contact information, colleges can increase their visibility in local searches, helping them connect with potential students who are nearby and interested in their programs.

orange seperation
paid search marketing

Paid Search Engine Marketing

Paid Search Engine Marketing is the complement of SEO. SEO and Paid Search work together to increase visibility to the right audience to generate high converting leads. There are three facets to paid search engine marketing:

Google Ads: Reach your target audience with compelling ads, keyword research and planning. This powerful advertising platform allows you to create and display ads on Google’s search engine results pages, ensuring your brand gets noticed by people actively searching for your programs or school.

Bing Ads: Expand your reach beyond Google with Bing Ads. By placing your ads on the Bing search network, including Bing and Yahoo search engines, you tap into an alternative audience, maximizing your marketing efforts and driving valuable traffic to your website.

Google Display Ads: Reach your audience visually with Google Display Ads. This service lets you showcase your brand across a vast network of websites and apps, reaching potential customers through eye-catching banners, images, and videos, ultimately boosting brand awareness and engagement.

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Colleges and Trade Schools need marketing expertise that general agencies that understand the higher education space. Talk to a Pro and see the difference.

social media advertising

Social Media Advertising

Social media provides a direct line to your prospective student’s hands. At this time, the dominant social media advertising platforms are Facebook and Instagram. Though, other services such as TikTok and YouTube are just as strong. Together, they can create a large net to help you reach more of your potential students.

More Engagement: Social media accounts fro more than 70% of people’s leisure time, even while they are at work. They are already using social media to connect to their friends, families, peers, and the like, why not be part of that exchange?

More Ways to Connect: Social media provides more ways to connect with your prospective students. More and more people, especially Millennials and Gen Zs, prefer to chat or text over a phone call. Despite this interesting statistic, depending on your particular audience, mastery of the phone call still remains the most powerful admissions tool.

Lowest Cost Medium: Compared to traditional forms of advertising, including some well established digital platforms, social media ads remain the lowest cost with the highest reach. Many schools have have not succeeded with social ads, but it has been our experience that it is among the top lead generation and enrollment sources across the board.

lead management

Lead Management

Generating leads is the first step toward filling your school with students. Admissions is the second step. Lead management is what comes between the marketing and the admissions team. It is the technology that captures prospective student information, provides improved speed to lead for admissions, and allows the automation to provide lead nurturing activities. 

Improve your Lead to Enrollment Conversion Rates: Generating a large volume of quality leads is challenging and costly, but more so if your leads are not tended to in a timely manner. Practices such as speed to lead, lead nurturing, and automation allow the admissions representative to reach more prospects.

Improves Speed to Lead: 78% of consumers make a purchase with the first company to contact them. This holds true with the school business as well. By ensuring a smooth and timely process so that a new lead gets contacted right away can significantly boos your enrollment rates.

Capitalize on Lost Opportunities: When a prospective student contacts a school for the first time, they are not always ready to simply enroll or even visit your campus. They may need several conversations before they can muster the confidence to set an appointment and visit the campus. If the admissions representative does not keep track of their activities, these prospects may simply go with the next person to contact them. Remember, just like they reached out to you, they too are contacting other schools.

orange seperation
lead management

Admissions Training Program

To enhance your enrollment numbers without expanding your ad budget, it’s crucial to empower your admissions team with effective training and tools. At CMP, we blend potent marketing strategies with our comprehensive Admissions Training Program that is sure to quickly increase your student population.

Increase Show Rates: Generating a large volume of quality leads is challenging and costly, but more so if your leads are not tended to in a timely manner. Practices such as speed to lead, lead nurturing, and automation allow the admissions representative to reach more prospects.

Improves Speed to Lead: 78% of consumers make a purchase with the first company to contact them. This holds true with the school business as well. By ensuring a smooth and timely process so that a new lead gets contacted right away can significantly boos your enrollment rates.

Capitalize on Lost Opportunities: When a prospective student contacts a school for the first time, they are not always ready to simply enroll or even visit your campus. They may need several conversations before they can muster the confidence to set an appointment and visit the campus. If the admissions representative does not keep track of their activities, these prospects may simply go with the next person to contact them. Remember, just like they reached out to you, they too are contacting other schools.

website development

Website Development

Create an effective website tailored specifically for your college. A website designed with SEO in mind attract the right type of traffic. SEO brings the traffic, a good website converts it into leads.

Enhanced Brand Visibility: A professionally designed website is the first impression you give to new prospective students.

Convert More Leads: College websites can have different functions, some are informative, others provide a student portal, but all of them are designed to encourage new visitors to apply. A well-designed website will help your college get the visibility it needs to attract more students.

The Center of Your Digital Marketing: All of your marketing activities, online and offline will lead people to search for you and visit your website. Your website is ground zero for all of your marketing efforts and should be the most important component of your marketing strategy.

orange seperation
full color printing

Full Color Printing

We take pride in delivering high quality full-color printing services, with a specialized focus on large format printing. Our mission is to transform your school’s brand into stunning, eye-catching visuals that enhance your brand’s appeal.

Large Format Printing: From wrapping your windows with vibrant color graphics, large banners, flags, and more.

Event Graphics: Get ready to impress at your next event. We print tents, walls, step and repeat backdrops, and more.

Full Color Brochures: Make a good impression to your prospective students with take home materials such as brochures, flyers, and other collateral neatly packed in your custom presentation folder.

out of home advertising (billboards)

Outdoor Media Advertising

Out of Home (OOH) advertising is much more than just billboards. OOH offers dynamic and creative ways to impact your local market with bus shelter ads, bus bench ads, transit ads, bus ads, and more. Unlike digital marketing, OOH stands out by reaching a broad and diverse audience through physical spaces and eye-catching displays. Discover the numerous advantages that OOH advertising can bring to your business:

Wider Reach: OOH advertising offers a a unique reach that connects your brand with a massive and diverse audience. Your brand will reach commuters, pedestrians, or shoppers. Your message can’t be ignored as it is brandished across billboards, transit ads, digital display ads, or street furniture. This wide-reaching exposure ensures that your brand remains top-of-mind and captures the attention of potential students as they go about their day.

High Impact and Recall: OOH advertising is known for its ability to create lasting impressions and foster strong brand recall. The combination of bold visuals, strategic placement, and repetition ensures that your message sticks with your audience. In a world inundated with digital noise, OOH provides a refreshing and memorable way to engage your target audience.

Local and Targeted Advertising: OOH advertising allows you to tailor your message to specific locations and demographics, making it an ideal choice for local businesses and niche markets. Whether you want to target a particular neighborhood or reach a specific demographic, OOH offers the flexibility to deliver your message precisely where and when it matters most.

College Marketing Pros